Sunday 25 March 2007

Born for this

A traditional devotion dear to Catholics during the season of Lent is the Station of the Cross. Last night saw a musical production based on this theme entitled 'Born for This.' The performance took place at Leeds Cathedral and is part of CJM's 2006 Cathedral Tour which features Nottingham, Birmingham and Northampton in addition to Leeds.

The performance was led by CJM musicians Boyce and Stanley, completed with orchestra, professional soloists and a massed youth choir of 100 voices from BYC schools. All four of our BYC Secondary schools took part: St. Bedes, St. Josephs College, Holy Family Keighley and Yorkshire Martyrs.

The Born for this website describes how the production first came together:

As with many project of this scale, Born for This is a work that has matured slowly over several years. After reading Jude Martin's powerful, poetic reflections on the Stations of the Cross, in January 1994 Joanne Boyce agreed to write songs to accompany them.

Around the same time, Jude came across some beautiful impressions of the Stations of the Cross by the artist Peter Clare (these are part of a larger cycle of paintings called The Journey) Peter too, impressed by the music and the words, agreed to have his work included as part of the Born for This project.

These creative strands have come together to produce one of the most moving re-tellings of Christ's Passion.

Members of the St. Bedes Male Voice Choir with artists Boyce and Stanley:

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