Thursday 7 February 2008

Guardian letters page

The Guardian today (7th February 2008) carries a letter citing the positive example of the Diocese of Leeds singing outreach program in Bradford. It comes in the wake of recent media coverage about the idea of choir school 'academies' proposed by the government.

Here is an excerpt from the letter:

'If churches are really interested in giving large numbers of children the benefit of cathedral musical expertise, they should look at the Bradford Choral Project, based at St Anne's RC Cathedral in Leeds, which supports four full-time musicians, probably more than any other UK cathedral.

They not only service the liturgical needs of the cathedral, but provide fully trained choral directors to go out into over 20 church schools in Bradford to run non-selective school choirs. This gives every child in those schools an opportunity to access cathedral-standard musical and choral expertise.'

To read the full letter, click here.

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