Sunday 3 February 2008

Latin Mass

Each first Sunday of the Month, the 11am Solemn Mass at the Cathedral is celebrated in Latin.

Many people do not realise that the 'normal' language for Roman Catholic worship is in fact Latin - the second Vatican Council didn't decree that in future Mass was to be said in the vernacular, rather it opened up the opportunity for the use of the vernacular, particularly in the administration of the sacraments. The unfortunate wholesale abandonment of the use of Latin in worship also has negative consequences for the 'treasury of sacred music' which is largely in Latin.

We are fortunate in Leeds Cathedral to have the best of both worlds, with Mass being offered in both Latin and English, and with the choir singing repertoire from the great repertoire of sacred music from Gregorian chant to polyphony.

Today's Latin Mass was extra special as the celebrant was out Bishop, who this weekend was carrying out his visitation of our Cathedral. In his closing remarks he thanked the clergy, choir and congregation for continuing and keeping alive the Latin tradition of our church.

Music was led by the Cathedral Boys' and Adult choir - the mass setting at the monthly Latin mass setting is Gregorian chant, alongside motets by Frank and Viadana.

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